Reg $0.00Foil $0.15
Guilds of Ravnica
Artist: Chris Seaman



Draw two cards. Then you may discard a nonland card. When you do, Hypothesizzle deals 4 damage to target creature.

"It's like blowing up an arcane library in a thermobaric explosion. But in a good way." —Bori Andon, Izzet blastseeker

brawl legalcommander legalduel legalexplorer legalgladiator legalhistoric legallegacy legalmodern legaloathbreaker legalpauper legalpaupercommander legalpenny legalpioneer legaltimeless legalvintage legal


You don't choose a target creature at the time you cast Hypothesizzle. Rather, a second "reflexive" ability triggers when you discard a nonland card. You choose a target for that ability as it goes on the stack. Each player may respond to this triggered ability as normal. Notably, the triggered ability isn't a crime, but the reflexive triggered ability potentially is.

Price History

$0.17 daily normal$0.17 3 days normal$0.17 3 days normal$0.17 monthly normal
  • normal
  • foil

Price List

Price Changes
Price SourceCurrentDaily3 DayWeeklyMonthly
401Games Buylist$0.00$0.15$0.17$0.00$0.17$0.00$0.17$0.00$0.17$0.00
F2F Buylist$0.00$0.25$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.02
TCG Market$0.02$0.31$-0.03$-0.25$-0.03$-0.25$0.00$0.00$-0.03$-0.28
TCG Direct$0.00$0.00N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
TCG Mid$0.15$0.33N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
TCG Low$0.01$0.05N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
TCG High$8.00$1.64N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A